
View from the Columbia Tower in downtown Seattle

The lovely Mary Denend Captured this photo from the 76 floor of the Columbia Tower in downtown Seattle


National Toilet Day!

November 19th is World Toilet Day, so what better time to highlight commercial real estate’s golden thrones? From the beautiful to the fun to the weird, lavatories have become more than a place to just take care of business. Architects, designers and developers are paying special attention to restrooms, and the results can be amazing!

Room full of Dicks

This just in from Peter Andrijeski of Project K-Bar fame, the men's room at the Cascadia Grill in Olympia.  A beautiful use of dozen's of Dick pics, including Andy Dick and Dick Clark.  Beautiful.

Beautiful Red Bathroom at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art


SF MOMA  Matisse/Diebenkorn exhibit.  Photo by Seattle artist Diane Tchakirides


Salon style! Nordstroms Ladies Lounge

Everyone knows that Nordstrom is best known for its customer service. It's a great department store, and successful even when other department stores around the country are closing. Nordstroms offers an incredible selection of clothing and shoes, combined with incredible customer service and a personal concierge.  It's glamorous and stylish, but who knew the ladies rooms were too?


Toilet of the day!


This was sent in from Seattle artist Ryan Molencamp, from a home in West Seattle. Not sure exactly, but from the photo looks like a inlaid resin toilet seat. This is sure to increase the value of this lovely home!

Booze makes you crap?


Really?  I hadn't noticed!


Playwright Holly Arsenault's first-ever bathroom selfie

Carefully staged in a restaurant restroom to show off the makeup stylings of babysitter/makeup artist extraordinaire Laura Valiente. Ms. Arsenault is quoted as saying she is certain that babysitters who are also professional makeup artists is a million dollar idea.  Good luck to Ms. Arsenault in this and in all future endeavors! 


The Pecker Collection - A Poem by Robin Hall

A curse upon you puddle makers,
mopping pee up gives me vapors!
Misdirection's not the issue
JUST CLEAN UP! There's lots of tissue.

If your thing swings loose and free,
and on the floor or seat you pee,
please clean it up, don't be a slob,
It's YOURS, not someone else's job!


Toilets and bathrooms of past, present and future – in pictures | Life and style | The Guardian

Few countries were as advanced as the Romans, however. In Britain, chamber pots were emptied on to muck heaps, streets or into rivers for centuries. But the toilet – like the one above – could be a means to power – the 'groom of the stool' had unparalled access to the King.Photograph: Royal Collection Trust/Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2014

Toilets and bathrooms of past, present and future – in pictures | Life and style | The Guardian: