I think every toilet should come with their own pink privacy curtain.
International guide to the best of bathroom and plumbing fixtures. Amazing bathrooms and toilets from around the world. Strange bathing facilities, odd relief stations, artist-created bathrooms of delight. Weird bathrooms. Unusual toilet and washing facilities. Have you found an unusual public (or private) bathroom or toilet facility you would like to share? Please send us your photos, poems, articles or reviews for publication.
Lovely Piano Roll Wallpaper Bath
Awesome creepy bathroom
This photographer managed to capture everything that's creepy here in this photo. It looks like a bathroom in an insane asylum. Yikes!
toilet montage
This is the toilet of an internationally known artist. Can you guess who it belongs to?
Japanese Toilet by TOTO
This is of the 'washlet' variety. After you 'go', you can press a button which then releases a nozzle which squirts warm water right where you need it! The first time is a bit disturbing - especially when you don't realise you also need to hit the 'stop' button when you've had enough! - Just think of all the paper that can be saved!
- These toilets are more common in Japan than you think they'll be - even Youth Hostels have them!